When I was visited by my late great-grandmother Rose, my life changed forever.​

Most of us walk through life blind. 

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We follow the path we think we're meant to, going to school, looking for a job, working 9-5… and just generally stumbling through life trying to figure out the cards we've been dealt and the mess that comes with it.


The burden of everyday life outweighs your spiritual potential and you hardly ever think about the life of beyond.


All these meaningful coincidences, these acausal parallels we spiral in and out of have their own meaning, but we hardly ever notice them.


We're too busy with our lives.


And that means we miss out on all the wonders and signs the universe has to offer us.


When I was in excruciating pain from hurting my wrist and I was trying to explore non-invasive methods other than surgery, I saw my great-grandmother. 


At first I questioned my sanity.  Then I realized that every day our dear departed loved ones send us all kinds of signs which lead us to all kinds of opportunities, and they've since lead me on a journey of healing and prosperity.


As it goes with any kind of change, it took a major life event to start recognizing the value of synchronicities and seeing them for what they are.


Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that aren't necessarily related by cause and effect, yet the two events are related.


Ever thought about catching up with an old friend, then the next day they call you? 


Or you find you've been struggling with a problem and the answers pops right up in front of you in the weirdest 'coincidence' possible?


A song or commercial that says exactly what you've been thinking about.  Symbols that appear over and over again.  Objects that you keep finding in places where they shouldn't be.


These are signs meant to help us throughout the journey of life, just like dreams help guide us through our subconscious.


It helped me reconnect with people I never thought I would get the chance to speak to again.


I promised my great-grandmother that I would write a book about these experiences, to help others see their own journey and the importance of recognizing synchronicity. 


Spot the signs in your life and join me on this journey by reading Synchronize Your Life today!


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